Reticulation in Bassendean

Today the Property Care Guys repaired Reticulation in Bassendean, East of Perth

Mark described the problem as the 40mm Solenoid Valve of Station one was not coming on automatically but would work manually by the bleed screw or turning the coil when the bore and master valve were on.

Matt went out to the job and diagnosed the controller as ok, the valve as ok and even the solenoid as ok.

This was a dreaded wiring problem. So the wire was tracked through this large property’s dense garden and I am thinking one of the large trees roots must have damaged the wire somewhere. Some possible breaks were excavated and found to be ok before finally locating roughly where the problem lies. (near a slate footpath – may have been damaged when making the path and corroded) I then tapped into station one wire and ran a detour lead around the path and into a hole on the other side where the wiring and PVC continued. The wire was buried inside conduit to protect against gardeners digging etc. The system was tested and problem solved!

This would have been a massive irrigation repair job if the break was not found (2 days work pulling up driveway pavers, pathways and a lot of trenching) We can usually diagnose a system, realize this problem and repair broken underground wiring or other electrical issue for $250-$350