Garden Maintenance in Doubleview

Today the Property Care Guys did Garden Maintenance in Doubleview, North West of Perth.

I (Matt) had a work order to fix the reticulation at the property a few weeks ago and found some poorly installed Reticulation poly pipe with some kind of heat shrinked pipe over the top which was never going to be properly water tight so I replaced all that with proper connections.

The system had mains water pressure at the station valves.. bad! I located the Master solenoid valve in the back yard (rare) which was faulty and leaking a lot so it was replaced. The job was done for a property manager. The tenant was happy with our job also and asked if we do gardening which of course we do too. We are a group of property care people and can handle most orders. If we can’t, we know someone who can and organise it all for you. Leave the hassle to us.

We had Phil come and do a vacate garden cleanup for Josh which included a general tidy up, weeds, paving areas, garden beds and shrubs pruning.  We also mowed lawn areas and cleaned up the verge areas. In the end Josh only spent less than $150 for our Horticulturist gardener to come out and do three hours work. You’d be lucky to find that elsewhere for someone so qualified.

Fill our online booking form email or call for any work in landscaping, new lawns, reticulation, garden cleanups and hardscaping!